“Alexa, play “Anniversary” by Tony! Toni! Toné!”

The “secret” is out….I’M A BUSINESS OWNER!

On 3/1/2021 I started a business, without even having a name 😳 . Those that know me know that I don’t half do anything & I will sit with something until I have a plan that makes sense to me…but then God disrupts, hijacks, flips the script, & thrusts me into the unknown.

So here’s where this journey begins: 

9/4/2020: I failed my LCSW exam & cried like a baby all weekend; my couch & Chinese food were my temporary best friends. My friends gave me a few days to grieve then told me to get ready for the next test (which I wasn’t sure I even wanted to take again). 

12/9/2020: I passed, 4 days before my birthday! I prayed so hard like “Gooooodddd, I need this win, do it one time for the birthday girl ayyeee, for the birthday girl!” (for those that don’t know, I’m subject to insert a song reference at any moment, mid convo 🎶 ). Anywho, back to what I was saying…

12/31/2020: a very good friend of mine & I met to discuss our goals for the year ahead & pray together to hold each other accountable. I’m going through my list & have the typical things like “relationships”, “self”, “finances”, “ministry”, then ending with “business❓”. “Business” was the only area I felt like I hadn’t heard God in, yet somehow it still needed to be on the list. We prayed & I asked God to reveal His timing because it’s out of my hands at this point. One of my “sista friends” always says “it doesn’t take God long!”

January sometime: A few weeks later, people started reaching out to ask if I started my business yet & my response basically was “maaannn, be cool y’all, I just got licensed 🤣 !” I’m naturally a person that doesn’t believe in coincidences, so after the 3rd person, I began to make a list of people that inquired about my services. Eventually, I realized that God was indeed speaking concerning my business by showing me the demand for what I have to offer.

2/18/2021: 3 people from that original list reached out again (after I told them I’d get back to them lol) asking if I was ready yet. By this time I said to myself, “ok, I need to get out of my own way & overcome the fear of the unknown”. I decided I was going to start my business, without a name, because clearly my time of hiding is over & I didn’t need to delay any longer.

2/19/2021: I ferociously start researching the basics of starting a business & reviewing other therapists’ websites to get an idea of what I needed- prices, contracts, etc.

3/1/2021: I decided to do what I called a “soft launch” of my business & only told the 3 clients that stayed on my tail & a few family members & close friends. (SN: I legit have the bessst support system in the world- they encouraged, prayed, brainstormed & literally were everything I needed!) I was very strategic during this time as I entered unfamiliar territories to guard what was being built, because let’s be real, everyone that smiles with you, seems supportive, or even has well wishes doesn’t always mean you well 🤷🏽‍♀️ . I was determined to steward this well & to the best of my ability.

April sometime: I woke up from a dream & had a eureka moment. The name of my business & logo appeared in my dream (I’ll do another blog on the meaning behind my business name at another time).

5/20/2021: I paid for my LLC, went to the bank, & made this thang official! 

Here I am a year later & am thriving in what was once unfamiliar territory! I tell people all the time “my degrees are in psychology & social work-not business”, but by the grace of God “I’m doing it & doing it & doing it well” (of course another song reference was needed 😎)!

And as I say to close out all my sessions: “see you next time”. Thanks for reading & rockin’ with me 💜